It came, and since some people actually read this lame journal, I thought I better give that update .
Everything was smooth and painless, except:
Working with my stupid Windows machine. I couldn't get a secondary account set up w/ limited permissions, and then have it actually connect to the internet. I spent hours yesterday trying to do what should have been such a mundane task. And all the restarting, rebooting. I may never buy a PC again, with such a glaring comparison now that I have the Mac.
So, I finally ended up removing Service Pack 2, and rebuilding two new PC accounts. That seemed to finally allow me to configure the proper parental controls on the limited far as the internet goes.
Should the limited account want to delete everything on the hard drive, it appears to be able to. So, I still got to figure that out. And some programs didn't uninstall properly, so there's some of that garbage to clean up...another thing that is much easier on the iMac.