
It came, and since some people actually read this lame journal, I thought I better give that update .

Everything was smooth and painless, except:

Working with my stupid Windows machine. I couldn't get a secondary account set up w/ limited permissions, and then have it actually connect to the internet. I spent hours yesterday trying to do what should have been such a mundane task. And all the restarting, rebooting. I may never buy a PC again, with such a glaring comparison now that I have the Mac.

So, I finally ended up removing Service Pack 2, and rebuilding two new PC accounts. That seemed to finally allow me to configure the proper parental controls on the limited account...as far as the internet goes.

Should the limited account want to delete everything on the hard drive, it appears to be able to. So, I still got to figure that out. And some programs didn't uninstall properly, so there's some of that garbage to clean up...another thing that is much easier on the iMac.


One Day...

iMac is in Lewiston.

Music making and digital lifestyle to commence shortly.

The switch is near.


Still coming along.

The Keystation arrived today. The iMac is still in China, albeit with FedEx. Unfortunately, they've pushed back the expected delivery date until the 19th.

We have the official countdown until music-making:

3 days.


So Far, So Good.

iSight came on the 11th. iMac due to ship on the 16th...and my midi-controller keyboard is due to come on the 16th. I should be having fun w/ Garage Band certainly by the end of the month.



Well, I cancelled the order. I decided that the wireless keyboard and mouse was too tempting an option for $54. Plus, since I had the order open...I went ahead and purchased an iSight.

Now, I just need to look into USB piano keyboards that will work nicely w/ Garage Band.

I do think it was rather absurd that Apple couldn't change the order while in a manufacturing state. Perhaps a more knowledgeable customer service rep would have figured out a way. The guy I got seemed to not know much.

So, the clock has been reset.


Waiting, waiting...

The latest status:
"Sent to Manufacturing"


More Switch

Something that made me laugh when I was hunting for switching resources:

Man Happier About Switch to Mac than Conversion to Christianity

Making the Switch

Yes. I'm a pathetic blogger. I still haven't updated my Monty Alexander posts to reflect my reviews of the evening (I can't believe that was two months ago...crazy). But something happened yesterday that is quite exciting. I've decided to liberate myself from the "blue screen of death".

I've ordered a spanking new 20" iMac G5. I've been watching this particular machine for about a year. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

The first thing I was waiting for was an iLife update. I wanted iMovie and iDVD to support 16:9 widescreen format. Why have a widescreen display if you can't support widescreen format? Then iLife '05 came out. Check.

The second thing I was waiting for was Garage Band reviews. How did it stack up as multi-track recording platform? Then the awards started rolling in. Check.

The third thing I was waiting for was Tiger. Check.

The fourth thing I was waiting for was the rumored memory upgrade. Bump in processor? Check. Bump in standard memory? Check. Bump in video memory and graphics card? Check. The now-standard bluetooth, wireless, and $100 price drop was just gravy.

So, now it's just a waiting game. Looking forward to the switch.